
Free/Open Source Software (& Hardware) for applications in nuclear disarmament and nuclear safety

Projects on GitHub

What is this?

For a variety of applications related to nuclear disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation, software is used, e.g. for verification purposes. While free/open source software covers many other fields of use, it is rarely employed in the former. Increased use would be benefical.

The idea behind NuclearFreeSoftware is to help such an increased use. This will be done by developing own projects. In parallel, benefits and requirements with particular regard to nuclear disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation should be studied. To enable more cooperation, programs developed elsewhere are listed, too.

While it started out to be mostly about software, hardware is similarly relevant.


Moritz Kütt > kuett[at]
Program on Global Science and Security
& Nuclear Futures Laboratory
Princeton University